Rigissa Megalokonomou
Assoc. Prof. in Economics
Teaching Experience:
2017- present: Applied Econometrics for Microeconomics (Econ 3360/7360), undergraduate and postgraduate, Instructor, University of Queensland
- Evaluation 2019-2020: 4.7/5 (∼140 students enrolled)*
- Evaluation 2018-2019: 4.7/5 (∼150 students enrolled)
- Evaluation 2017-2018: 4.3/5 (∼120 students enrolled)
- 2018 Nominated for a BEL Education Award (4.7/5)
- 2018 Excellence Award in Designing Assessment
- 2018 Distinguished Teaching Award (4.7/5)
2017-present: Foundations in Microeconomics (Econ7000), postgraduate, Instructor , University of Queensland
- Evaluation 2019-2020: 4.6/5 (∼210 students enrolled)*
- Evaluation 2018-2019: 4.5/5 (∼240 students enrolled)
- Evaluation 2017-2018: 4.5/5 (∼210 students enrolled)
- 2018 Distinguished Teaching Award, Large Postgraduate class (4.5/5)
- 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award, Large Postgraduate class (4.5/5)
*Distinguished Teaching Awards were abolished in 2019.
2011-2016: Teaching Fellow, EC107, Economics1, University of Warwick, UK (Economics 1- first term: Microeconomics, second term: Macroeconomics)